Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bill Odle pictures

Bill just sent me these pictures, circa 1985 -1990. (Click on pictures to increase the size. resolution is a bit low.)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Recognize this group?

Front steps of A&E 5 year pins so it can't be too much later than 1957.

Christmas Party December 2010

Thanks to Bob and Pat Brown for their hospitality.

A Few Pictures circa ?

A few picture of the group. How's about Telling me who these all are.

Technology Folks

This is a group of folks that you might know. This was taken back in 1986. Some were a part of AEF at one time or another. Some of the group found themselves in in the Technology Group located in the Mark I building about this time or across the street in the "Cow Barn." Now a slightly leveled patch of land.